Let's Get Creating!

I Am Elton Teo a Learner a Team Player a Developer

Developer in the Works

I am Elton Teo, a current Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development undergraduate at DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

A strong passion and love for technology, I'm always looking for ways to improve myself in the field and to pick up new skills along the way. I graduated from Ngee Ann Poly with a Diploma in Information Technology specializing in Mobile Business Applications. Since then, I have worked with several libraries including React Native and Xamarin. I found myself venturing into the mobile gaming industry as it was constantly evolving and I wanted to be a part of the industry. With the hardware becoming more advanced, mobile gaming has come a long way and has allowed for certain mobile games to have desktop gaming complexity. I joined DigiPen in order to broaden my skills in game development so that I can incorporate the skills I have to create games in the future.

Currently studying to fulfill my indie game developer dreams!

  • SIT-Digipen Institute of Technology (2021 - Present)
    (Faculty of Computer Science)

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development

  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic (2016 - 2019)
    (School of Infocomm Technology)

    Diploma in Information Technology (Specialized in Mobile Business Application)

    - Edusave Good Progress Award 2019

    - Student Excellence Award (Full Colours Award - Fencing) 2019

  • Technical Intern (Cross Platform Mobile Development)
    (Sep 2018 - Feb 2019)

    Infinity Blockchain Labs

  • Technical Intern (Cross Platform Mobile Development & Product Management)
    (Mar 2019 - Oct 2019)


My Skills
C/C++ 75%
Python 80%
C# 65%
JavaScript 50%
Java 50%
Android/IOS Development 70%
Game Programmer 90%
Web Development 40%
Data Science/Analytics/Engineering 20%

My Services

Software Development

Have an idea? I'm always looking to code the "what ifs."

IOS/Android Development

I have a strong foundation in Android/IOS development, mostly in Cross-Platform Development, well versed in several libraries such as React Native and Xamarin.

Game Development

In a creative yet deadline-driven environment, I am always up to the challenge of transforming ideas into reality. RPG, Shooter, Horror, you name it, Let's build it.

Custom Support

Let's get to work creating, together.


Projects Completed and Growing


Lines Of Code

My Portfolio

All Game Projects Misc.

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